BICAS 2021

About Us

Djuanda University, Bogor is one of private university in Indonesia. Founded by foundation named Yayasan Pusat Studi Pengembangan Islam Indonesia in 1987. The name Djuanda is chosen as the university name to commemorate former Prime Minister of Republic Indonesia, Ir. H. Djoeanda Kartawidjaja. He was born in Tasikmalaya on January 14, 1911, who served in Republic of Indonesia’s goverment administrations. Currently Djuanda University ranked 75 out of 3.320 universities in Indonesia. In term of research, it’s ranked 49 and include in the main cluster called “Utama”. At present, Djuanda University holds under graduate study (S1) of seven faculties and eightteen majors and post graduate study (Law, Public Administration, Halal Food). All majors have acreditated, and lately Djuanda University as entity itself has been accreditated by Indonesia’s national accrediting agency called Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi. More information can be found on the official website, please click link: Universitas Djuanda

About BICSS 2018 BICSS 2018 UNIVERSITAS DJUANDA (UNIDA) - is an annual conference held by Djuanda University,  Bogor. This year, Djuanda University has joined with Ibn Khaldun University and University of Islam 45 Bekasi. This conference has objectives and benefits:

  1. To explain the process of human adaptation in the face of crisis, both economic crisis, monetary, leadership, law and sense of justice and morality and moral crisis which led to the deterioration of the quality of life;
  2. To present capacity building efforts in order to improve the quality of human life.
  3. To discuss how to address issues which is affecting the sustainability of development.
  4. To discuss the importance of character education for improving the quality of life,
  5. To discuss the role of information technology and communication media and its impacts to promote sustainable development,
  6. To discuss some issues of the social sciences